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·Hongtze Report on Celery
·Ninxian Report on cucumber
·Changsha Institute Report
    on Chinese Cabbage quality
·Hunan Report on Orange
·Jilin Report on Schisandra
·Tianjin Celery Report
·Hunan Agri--University Test   Report on Tea
·Report on potato Applications

 Research Report (Excerpt)on NutriGrow Humic Acid & Carbon
Based Organic Compound Liquid Fertilizer

By Dr Zhang Zhi Yuan,Changsha University

A Summary of Field Tests on the Application of NutriGrow Humic Acid Based Organic Liquid Fertilizer

1.Study on enhancement effect of sugar content in Chinese cabbage by the application of NutriGrow Humic Acid Based Liquid Fertilizer:

a )Field test Method
Variety Tested:Chinese cabbage “Hongda Precocity No.5”
Seeding Date:Aug 23,2007.
There were 8 Treatment Groups in the test, Each Treatment Group consisted of 6 pots,repeating thrice,with first serve of fertilizers  during the 4-leaf period,followed by 1 serve each week,total 4 serves,till the end of test on Oct 15,2007.
b )Results of the tests
The test proved that the application of NutriGrow Liquid Fertilizer had enhanced the sugar content in the Chinese cabbage to a significant level,8.33 degrees.But the sugar content in the Chinese cabbage, with compound fertilizer (Russian made)applied,only showed 7.40 degrees.Relatively,the differences in comparison between the two was 12.6%.
On taste-test,the Chinese cabbage applied with NutriGrow Fertilizer was sweeter and flavorful.The Chinese cabbage applied with compound fertilizer appeared to be less tasty,not so sweet and a bit bitter.

2.Experiment on enhancement effect of fructose content of mandarin orange by the application of NutriGrow Humic Acid Based Liquid Fertilizer.

a )Field Test Location:Neng Tan Village,Xi Xi Town,Lu Xi County,Xiangxi Autonomous Region, Hunan Province.
b )Variety Tested:“Mandarin Orange 8306”
c )Test Method:12 Treatment Groups,10 trees in each Group,repeating thrice.
d )Application Method:Fertilizers were sprinkle on roots and spray on leaves.First serve on Sept 15,2007,followed by 1 serve per 2 weeks,total 4 serves and apply foliage spray twice in between root applications.
e )Preliminary test Results:Dated Nov.10,2007.
Test Results were recorded by a Refractometer,measured under the trees.Fructose content in oranges on trees applied with NutriGrow Fertilizer:13.0 degrees;Fructose content in oranges on trees applied with compound fertilizer (Made in Hubei):11.0 degrees.

The tests showed that the application of NutriGrow Fertilizer improved fructose content in oranges remarkably.In comparison of the two Treatments, the difference was 18.2%.

On taste-test,there was a significant difference in flavor between the two, the fruits applied with NutriGrow Fertilizer were sweeter and tastier.

B)The Prospects of NutriGrow Humic Acid Based Liquid Fertilizer

The preliminary test results indicated that there is a great future for   this product,reasons are:

1.In line with China National Policy for Agriculture Industry

China has the enthusiasm for approaching a state of ecological and organic agriculture and to support enterprises with branded hi-tech products. NutriGrow Humic Acid Based Liquid Fertilizer is a hi-tech fertilizer used for the cultivation of organic and health-care agricultural products.Its direction of research and development follow the trend of the time in environment,Nutrition and health care.

2.NutriGrow Liquid Fertilizer is the solution on the environment issues

This Fertilizer has the slow release characteristics,it releases nutrition in slow and graduate manner.The Fertilizer thus has very high efficiency and greatly reducing the surface pollution caused by chemical fertilizers.

3.NutriGrow Liquid Fertilizer Improves Soil Structure

Humic acid is a large molecular organic product,capable of stimulating soil granulation,holding fertilizer and water,and be able to change both physical and chemical properties of the soil。

4.NutriGrow Liquid Fertilizer has Anti-Drought Effect capability

The Humic Acid in the Fertilizer improves water holding capability of soil.At the same time, Hunic Aicd has the way to motivate plants to close air-vent to minimize Vaporization. It is an excellent fertilizer for the  development of water- saving farming in dry areas.

5.NutriGrow Liquid Fertilizer Upgrades the Quality of Agricultural Products

Chemical fertilizer may increase farming yields,but lack of quality in flavor.In particular,over usage of chemical fertilizers and the use of Hormone,had caused nutrition content of crop products to drop but contents water only without the usual nutrition and taste.This will cause “Supposititious Hunger”(feeling of enough,but short of nutrition).This will effect human health.Farm products applied with excessive or after long period use of chemical fertilizers, other than poor taste, people may experience poor appetites as well! However,NutriGrow Fertilizer on the other hand, improves significantly on flavor of farming crops, increasing sugar content in fruits and vegetables and excellent on human taste-

Dr.Zhang Zhi yuan,Changsha University

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