A Study on the Effect of Winter Potato Yield by the Application
of NutriGrow Humorganic Carbon Based Liquid Fertilizer
By: Ye Ming Jiang Bo Chi Chao Lun
For comparison, regular chemical fertilization method available for cultivation of winter potato in the related Guangdong area was utilized to exploit the effect on winter potato’s growth, yield, quality and benefit efficacy by the application of NutriGrow humic acid based liquid fertilizer. The results showed that after the application, the yield of winter potato evidently increased by 13.9%, with better ratio of large potato size, better quality and taste. RMB 1,230 had been saved on cost of fertilization on an area of 10,000 m2 and RMB 9,825 more on production value. The increased economic benefit value was by a total net RMB11,055 per hectare.
On the winter potato cultivation area in Guangdong, promotion of chemical fertilizer has enhanced remarkably on the yield increment of winter potato, but excess application of simple substance chemical fertilizer has damaged substantially the edaphic ecotype, physiochemical properties and regional distinction of edaphon. Also, it has caused a certain extent of pollution on products, difficult for potato products to meet the requirement of Green Food criteria (1 & 2).
NutriGrow humic acid carbon based organic compound liquid fertilizer is a chelated compound consisting of humic acid and macro-elements, such as nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and microelements. It is rich in nutrition needed for the growth of crops and vegetation. Main features are: high fertilizer efficiency, high yield, high product quality, high economic benefit, free from pollution and amelioration in optimized improvement of soil quality. In order to seek for a high efficient fertilizer, tests on the application of NutriGrow humic acid based liquid fertilizer were conducted on the winter potato cultivation area in Guangdong Province in 2008. This would provide a reference on the enhancement of potato quality and yield and improvement of physiochemical characteristics of soil.
1. Material and Method
1.1 Test Field Conditions
The test plots were situated at Da Jiang Dong Village, Gao Yao Da
Wan Town, Zhao Qing City. The cultivated land was of fertile, thick and deep soil layer and porous texture, rich in water source, convenient for irrigation and slightly acidic sandy loam. These complied with the soil requirements listed on NY/T391 (Land Area Environment Quality Standard for Production of Green Food). The previous crop was paddy.
1.2 Fertilizer Tested
NutriGrow humic acid based liquid fertilizer was provided by Greentech (Suzhou) Humorganic Technology Limited.
1.3 Potato Species under test
Species provided: Fei Wu Rui Ta, a potato species of first generation, non-poisonous, provided by Baer Agropastoral Application Technology and Development Research Institute, Hulun Buir City.
1.4 Test Method – two treatments in the experiment
Treatment 1
On the test plot in terms of per hectare wise, 6,000 Kg of organic mixing fertilizer using chicken feces as the main material and 60 Kg of high-phosphorous formulated NutriGrow humic acid based liquid fertilizer were applied as basal fertilizer. First top-dressing was applied by sprinkle upon 70% of germination, using 60 Kg/Ha of high-nitrogen formulated NutriGrow humic acid based liquid fertilizer, diluted to 200 times by clean water. After one week and before earth-up, 60 kg/Ha of high-potassium formulated NutriGrow liquid fertilizer were applied. Before closing of furrow by potato foliage, 60 Kg/Ha of high-potassium formulated NutriGrow liquid fertilizer with same dilution ratio were applied. All of above top-dressing were applied to root vicinity, then with 300 times diluted hi-K formulated NutriGrow liquid fertilizer was applied as foliage spray during the initial stage of fruit bearing and fruit dilation in size respectively.
Treatment 2
For comparison, based on conventional way of regular fertilization on the plot of 10,000 m2, 6,000 Kg of organic mixing fertilizer using chicken feces and 450 Kg of compound fertilizer were applied as basal fertilizer. First top-dressing was applied upon 70% of germination, by using 225 Kg/Ha of compound fertilizer, 75 Kg/Ha of urea and 75 Kg/Ha of fertilizer containing microelements specially for potato applications were all dissolved in water and sprinkled. After one week and before earth-up, 225 Kg/Ha of compound fertilizer and 75 Kg/Ha of potassium sulfate were applied. Before closing of furrow by potato foliage, 150 Kg/Ha of compound fertilizer, 75 Kg/Ha of potassium sulfate and 37.5 Kg/Ha of fertilizer containing microelements specially for potato applications were applied. Also, 0.3% potassium di-hydrogen phosphate solution was sprayed during the initial stage of fruit bearing and fruit dilation respectively.
The tests were repeated 3 times, to be arranged randomly. Each plot was with an area of 33.4 m2 (plot surface: 0.85 m, furrow: 1.3 m and plot height: 0.25 m), double lines sowing, row space: 23 cm and plant space: 20 cm with protection line around the plot. Sowing was done on Nov 20, 2008 and the harvest was on Mar 10, 2009. The whole vegetative period was 110 days.
2. Results and Analysis
2.1 The Effect on Potato Growth under Different Treatments
Direct observation during vegetative period: not much different between Treatment 1 and Treatment 2 during seedling stage. But, during middle and later stages, Treatment 1 showed healthy, strong and tall plant, thick stem and light plant disease. While Treatment 2 showed early ageing on stem and leaves, poor growth status and serious plant disease.
2.2 The Effect on Potato Yield under Different Treatments
Test results (Table 1) showed that on a similar area of 10,000 m2, the yield on Treatment 1 was 37,920 Kg as compared to Treatment 2 of 33,300 Kg, an increment of 4,620 Kg or 13.9%. This implied that the yield of potato increased remarkably by the application of NutriGrow humic acid based liquid fertilizer.
Table 1 The Effect on Potato Yield under Different Treatments
Treatment |
Plot Yield(kg) |
Yield Amount(kg/Ha) |
Increment comparison |
I |
II |
Average |
Ha |
(%) |
Treatmt 1 |
126.3 |
127.1 |
125.9 |
126.4 |
37,920 |
4,620kg |
13.9 |
Treatmt 2(CK) |
111.4 |
109.5 |
112.2 |
111.0 |
33,300 |
- |
- |
2.3 The Effect on Potato Economic Property under Different Treatments
On harvest of potato, 20 plants from each Treatment were chosen for economic property analysis. In comparison of potato sizes, Treatment 1 had generally lower ratio of small size, more on medium and big ones than Treatment 2. Increment on medium and big sizes meant unit area production yield increased. In comparison of starch content, Treatment 1 was higher than Treatment 2 by 0.7%. After cooking and tasting, potato rom Treatment 1 had better flavor, more fragrant and smooth than that from Treatment 2.
Table 2 The Effect on Potato Economic Property under Different Treatments
Treatment |
Big potato ratio(%) |
Medium potato ratio(%) |
Small potato ratio(%) |
Starch Content(%) |
In Comparison
+/- (%) |
I |
II |
Average |
Treatmt 1 |
63.3 |
27.7 |
9.0 |
13.5 |
13.9 |
13.7 |
13.8 |
+0.7 |
Treatmt 2(CK) |
58.4 |
30.6 |
12 |
13.1 |
12.9 |
13.0 |
13.1 |
- |
2.4 The Effect on Potato Economic Benefit under Different Treatments
The economic benefit analysis based on the fertilizer price in November 2008, the per hectare cost of fertilizer of Treatment 1 was RMB 7,200 and that of Treatment 2 was RMB 8,430. In comparison, cost of Treatment 2 was higher than Treatment 1 by RMB 1,230/Ha.
Comparing the yields in terms of per hectare, the potato yield of Treatment 1 was 24,000 Kg of big one (≥150g), 10,500 Kg of medium one (<150g, ≥75g﹚ and 3,420 Kg of small one (<75g). And for Treatment 2, the potato yield was 19,440 Kg, 10,200 Kg and 3,990 Kg respectively. The income was derived from prices for different sizes of potato at harvest time in Mar 2009, i.e. RMB 2.1/Kg for big size, RMB 1.4/Kg for medium size and RMB 0.3/Kg for small size.
Total production value for Treatment 1 was RMB 66,126 and for Treatment 2 was RMB 56,301. In comparison, Treatment 1 was higher than Treatment 2 by RMB 9,825, or increment of 17.5%. As the cost of fertilization reduced by RMB 1,230, the actual total increased income for Treatment 1 was RMB 11,055/Ha. Hence, in contrast, Treatment 1 had significantly better economic benefit than Treatment 2 (Table 3).
Table 3 The Effect on Potato Economic Benefit under Different Treatments
Treatment |
Yield |
Big potato
(kg) |
Medium Potato
(kg) |
Small Potato
(kg) |
Unit Price(RMB/kg) |
Per Ha Production Value(RMB) |
(%) |
Big potato |
Medium potato |
Small potato |
Treatmt 1 |
37,920 |
24,000 |
10,500 |
3,420 |
2.10 |
1.40 |
0.30 |
66,126 |
17.5 |
Treatmt 2
(CK) |
33,300 |
19,440 |
10,200 |
3,990 |
56,301 |
- |
3. Conclusion
The conventional fertilization method available for cultivation of winter potato in the related Guangdong area was utilized in this Test, to exploit the effect on winter potato’s growth, yield, quality and benefit efficacy in comparison by the application of NutriGrow humic acid based liquid fertilizer. The results showed that after the application, the yield of winter potato evidently increased, quality enhanced and potato economic benefit increased. Actual performance were (1) Potato yield evidently increased by 13.9%. (2) Potato quality enhanced, with better ratio of large potato size, starch content increased by 0.7% and better taste. (3) Potato economic benefit increased by a significant extent, saving RMB 1,230 on cost of fertilization, with an excess of RMB 9,825 of production value on an area of 10,000 m2, a total net increased benefit of RMB 11,055/Ha.
Main causes derived from this Experiment are as follows:
Various nutrition elements in NutriGrow humic acid based liquid fertilizer appears in ion form, chelated with humic acid to create stable soluble humate. Due to its stable property, fertilizer would dissolve quickly and be absorbed by soil after application and would not engage with those unfavorable factors in soil to cause nutrients to become ineffective and be fixed resulting in the loss of efficacy. Mutual reaction of various type of nutrition would impel the absorption capability of plant, accelerating its growth and increasing its yield, plant physiological metabolism would be enhanced, stimulating internal source of plant hormone and improving plant quality. Using humic acid as a carrier, fertilizer could adhere easily to soil colloid. After application, active atomic groups and radicals and carboxyl groups etc on the humic acid structure would improve soil granular structures. This would boost soil buffering effect, improving soil aeration, enhancing plant’s capability of retaining water and fertilizer for continued absorption and agitating activity of various types of enzymes within plant body so that nutrition could be supplied completely and continuously to plant itself. After application, organic colloid and various type of nutrition increase in soil, directly or indirectly enhancing soil fertility, strengthening plant resistance, and immunity to resist various types of plant diseases and insect attacks.
Hence, NutriGrow humic acid based liquid fertilizer has comprehensive features of complete nutrition, multi-function, strong effectiveness, and high utility ratio. After application, good solubility, fast absorption by plant, improvement of soil fertility, plant growth, productive yield and product quality could be observed.
Reference Documents:
1. The Effect on Potato Yield by the Application of Bio-Organic Fertilizer at Hulun Buir City in Frigit Zone. Potato Industry: Faster, Higher and Stronger. (2007): 243 – 247.
Writers: Jiang Bo, He Qing Yun, Wang Hui Sheng etc.
2. Test on the Application Effect of Bio-Organic Fertilizer on Fruit Trees. Guangdong Agriculture Science 2007 (9), 49.
This article was published on “Potato And Grain Food safety – 2009 issue”
Publisher : Harbin Engineering University Publication House