

Flower Applications Vegetable Applications Paddy Applications Orange Applications Paddy Rice Quality Analysis

Suggested Methods of Application on Mandarin Orange

Based on the application methods adopted during the Field Tests by Changsha Institute and LXI, recommendations are as follows:
(Taking 925 plants/Hectare. Quantity of fertilizer used is to be correlated with number of plants per Hectare.)

a) Seedling
 Foliage Spray:   4 – 5 serves, 750 gm/Ha/each serve
  Dilution ratio: 400: 1

 Watering (trenching): 3 – 4 serves, 37.5 Kg/Ha/each serve
  Dilution ratio: 50 ~ 100: 1

b) Young Tree
 Foliage Spray: 4 – 5 serves, 750 gm/Ha/each serve
  Dilution ratio: 400: 1
 Watering (trenching): 2 – 3 serves, 48 Kg/Ha/each serve
  Dilution ratio: 50 ~ 100: 1

c) Mature Tree
 Foliage Spray: 3 – 4 serves, 3 kg/Ha/each serve
  Dilution ratio: 400: 1
 Watering (trenching):
  2 – 3 serves, 180– 295 Kg/Ha/each serve
  Dilution ratio: 50 – 100: 1
     (to be controlled at 190gm – 300gm of original Undiluted NutriGrow fertilizer per plant, the actual quantity for each application depends
      on site and kind or variety of fruit trees etc. It is suggested customers if in doubt,to consult local agronomist or authorized distributor.)


a) For Seedling and Young Tree: high nitrogen formulation (e.g. Hi-N formulation)

b) For Mature Tree: high potassium formulation, but consisting of certain amount of phosphorous with Hi-Nitrogen and much higher potassium
  (e.g. Hi-K formulation).


    1. The above recommendation is based on that basal fertilization has been applied after the harvest of fruits.
    2. For root application (trenching), may use injector to inject fertilizer into soil 25 cm and below to achieve best result.
    3. The above application guide may modify for other kinds of fruit trees.

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