Acid & Carbon Based Liquid Fertilizer on Paddy Cultivation
Availability of water in the environment is a particular feature in the application of NutriGrow humic acid based liquid fertilizer on paddy cultivation. Better result could be achieved by the application of NutriGrow humic acid based liquid fertilizer in conjunction with organic or chemical fertilizer. NutriGrow liquid fertilizer could be applied in various paddy growth stages and different fertilization methods could be adopted.
- Basal Fertilization
Recommend to continue the application of conventional fertilization, by the use of organic fertilizer as main and supplemented with chemical fertilizers.
- Turning-green Fertilization
Apply 30 Kg/Ha of high nitrogen formulation NutriGrow mixed with irrigation water and slowly channeled into paddy field 5-7 days after paddy seedling transplanting and when new paddy leaves appear. It will be ideal if the fertilizer could be evenly distributed all over the field, so that fertilizer content could be absorbed by all paddy seedlings.
- Tillering Fertilization
In the early stage of paddy tillering, the following diluted mixture could be sprinkled over the field: 37.5 Kg/Ha of balanced formulated NutriGrow humic acid based liquid fertilizer, mixed with 75 Kg of urea and 75 Kg of potassium fertilizer.
- Earing Fertilization
From the initial paddy earing stage till its plumpness, apply 3.75 Kg/Ha of high potassium formulation NutriGrow liquid fertilizer, diluted with 1500 Kg of water, and spray onto leaves surfaces. It helps to improve seed setting rates (rice fructification rates).
- Strengthening-seed Fertilization
After paddy earing up, apply 3.75 Kg/Ha high Potassium formulation NutriGrow fertilizer, diluted with 1500 Kg of water, and spray onto leaves surfaces, enhancing fructification and preventing early plant ageing.
A.Usage Quantity/Ha for NutriGrow Humic Acid Based Liquid Fertilizer:
Balanced formulation:
Tillering fertilizer: 37.5 Kg
High nitrogen formulation:
Turning-green fertilizer: 30.0 Kg
Strengthening-seed fertilizer: 3.75 Kg (diluted to 400 times for spraying.)
High potassium formulation:
Earing fertilizer: 3.75 Kg (diluted to 400 times for spraying.)
B.Usage Quantity/Ha for Conventional/Regular Fertilizer:
Base Fertilizer: farmyard manure or organic fertilizer, according to traditional/regular application method.
Turning-green Fertilizer: 75 Kg of urea and 75 Kg of potassium fertilizer.
Tillering Fertilizer: 75 Kg of urea and 75 Kg of potassium fertilizer